Information: The Word of Life
The origin of language and the first symbolic codes have long fascinated researchers. Questions about how we developed the ability to communicate complex ideas, how language emerged, and how genetic information originated in a structured manner similar to alphabet and grammar have remained largely unanswered. However, the concepts of the “Information Enigma” and the “Surprise Effect,” as described by Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith, offer a compelling perspective. By understanding these ideas, one can find powerful reasons to believe in an intelligent creator—a Coder behind all codes.
John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Knowing the Word of God guides one towards building a strong foundation and a reasonable faith.

DNA and the Surprise Effect
To understand the Surprise Effect, it’s important to think about how codes function. A code is not merely a collection of symbols; it requires an underlying framework of meaning, an intentional link between symbols and what they represent. In language, symbols are letters and words, while in DNA, symbols are nucleotides—the building blocks of genetic information. Just as written language allows us to communicate beyond our immediate environment, DNA encodes the information necessary for life.
The Surprise Effect refers to the astonishing realization that this complex and precise coding, found within living organisms, resembles the characteristics of an intentional, intelligently constructed system. Dr. Wilder-Smith, a prominent biochemist and theologian who converted from atheism, described DNA as “essentially a linear sequence of symbols.” DNA, then, can be thought of as a language of life, with its nucleotides forming a genetic code that underpins all living organisms. For Wilder-Smith, the realization that DNA carries an incredibly sophisticated and purposeful language was no coincidence—it was the Surprise Effect, pointing toward design rather than randomness.
The Word and the Origin of Information
The creation of the first symbolic link—the connection between a symbol and the object it represents—is a leap of significance in human development. It allowed humans to discuss concepts beyond direct experience. However, the concept of symbolic links is not limited to human language. DNA and RNA also use symbolic links to represent genetic information, making them another form of communication.
The Bible provides a perspective on the origin of such information. In John 1:1, it says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The idea here is that “the Word” is foundational to creation, to life, and to meaning itself. For those who hold faith, the intricate language of DNA is no surprise but rather a testament to a purposeful designer.
Information Theory: Codes Require a Coder
Three very well spoken and sophisticated scientists that provide a background to strengthen the belief that life is designed not accidental. Information Theory is not a theory but rather a method for understanding the requirements for using effective communication.
Dr. Wilder-Smith, a prominent biochemist and theologian who turned from atheism will being the youngest General in the British Indian Army, noted the significance of symbolic links in the natural world, stating that “the DNA molecule…is essentially a linear sequence of symbols.” In this sense, DNA can be thought of as a language of life, with the sequence of nucleotides representing the genetic code that underpins all living organisms.
Claud Shannon, a mathematician and the pioneer of information theory, recognized the significance of encoding and transmitting information efficiently. He showed that communication, whether it be language or other forms of symbolic systems, relies on encoding information—requiring both a framework and an intentional design. Without a designer to develop the rules of the code, communication would be impossible.
Walter Remine, an expert mathematical fields of signal processing and pattern recognition, where he holds four patents. His book The Biotic Message has been well received for its novel insights and arguments against evolutionary theory, and for offering a creationary alternative—a scientifically testable theory of life’s major patterns. “The Biotic Message,” arguing against evolutionary randomness and in favor of design. ReMine’s insights highlight the complexity of biological systems as messages that demand an intelligent source. The biotic message is an echo of the designer’s purpose—a scientifically testable theory that underscores the uniqueness and intentionality of life.
The Information Enigma or Surprise Effect, which is the concept of the first symbolic link, is not unique to human language but is also seen in the genetic code of DNA and RNA. These molecules use symbolic links to represent genetic information, demonstrating the power of symbolic links.
The idea that codes require a coder is a powerful philosophical assertion. It appears to be a priori—something that is evident by reason itself. In all our experience, we see those codes, whether language, computer algorithms, or genetic material, always originate from an intelligent source. The idea that such sophisticated coding, seen in DNA, could arise without a purposeful agent goes against the evidence we see in everyday life. Codes do not self-generate; they emerge from thought, intention, and design.
The Nature of Symbolic Links
DNA’s symbolic links are formed through the pairing of nucleotides, which encode the genetic information essential for life. The concept of symbolic links—the pairing of symbols and meanings—is the foundation of any code. Language links symbols to meanings, DNA links nucleotides to biological outcomes, and information theory links data to communication. These links, as arbitrary as they may seem, are not accidental but intentional.
To say that a scheme using an “arbitrary method” is not arbitrary is to say that the rules governing symbolic systems are established purposefully. The choice of symbols may be arbitrary, but the fact that they are chosen, encoded, and structured systematically to produce meaning is anything but random. This idea supports the assertion that information—whether found in human communication or biological systems—is a product of design.
The Power of the Word
The “Information Enigma” or “Surprise Effect” is a reminder that the origin of information is not a mystery for those who see the divine purpose behind it. The Word, as described in the Bible, is not just an abstract concept but the cause of all information. It is the creative force behind language, life, and meaning. The origin of life, according to this view, is a declaration—a purposeful act of creation by the Word of Life.
It should be no surprise that DNA, a sophisticated code that stores the blueprint of all living organisms, reflects the work of an intelligent Coder. The complexity, intentionality, and symbolic nature of genetic information echo the power of language, the spoken word, and ultimately, the divine origin described in John 1:1.
Conclusion: No Enigma, No Surprise
The Information Enigma is only an enigma if we exclude the possibility of a designer. Codes require coders. The symbolic systems we observe in both language and genetics demonstrate intentionality, design, and meaning. From DNA to spoken language, the evidence points toward an intelligent creator—a divine Word that authored life.
The Surprise Effect, as articulated by Dr. Wilder-Smith, is no surprise at all when seen in the light of purposeful creation. The origin of symbolic codes—whether in our genetic makeup or in the words we speak—points toward a creative force. That force is the Word of Life, and through understanding the intricate language of DNA, one finds not randomness, but reason, purpose, and a divine author.
So, think about it. Behind every code is a coder. Behind the language of life is a Word that speaks it into existence. Seek, and the evidence of a creator will be found.
Think About it and you will know!
Any physical asset used to formulate a scheme, or a code cannot be the cause (origin) of the code.
Any scheme that uses an arbitrary method, isn’t arbitrary.
Ponder that “The Word” is the cause of the Origin of Information and there is no Enigma or Surprise Effect as it should be no surprise at all. The origin of life is the purposeful declaration of the Word of Life.
The Information Enigma or Surprise Effect can be seen as the result of the creative power of language or the spoken word, which is the underlying principle of John 1:1.
The power of language or the spoken word is divine. And it is no surprise that DNA is coded and coded by the one true Coder, the Word of God.