The Gift of Intelligence & Design

The gift of truth about creation by divine agency was offered to me more than thirty years ago. Curious and wonderful examples convincingly reveal the handiwork of the Lord. You have to literally and willfully ignore the evidence and remain intellectually irresponsible which as you know is not “intellectually” honest. Engineering designs reveal the presence of an Engineer. It is really that simple.

Imagine Sherlock Holmes investigating the concept of Irreducible Sophistication in Biological Systems. The joy of a Holmes whodunnit is consumed with the revelation of the mystery which was previously hidden.

What joy would come of Doyal’s fiction if Sherlock kept the answers and even the riddles to himself?

Evidence Defined

The concept of intelligent design (ID) as a primary factor to biological complexity has been a highly contentious subject in both scientific and philosophical debates. The principles of coded systems whether biological or synthetic rely on the same fundamental features “revealed” as contextually meaningful symbolic expressions. To “steel man” the idea of intelligence as the origin of biological complexity means presenting the strongest possible version of this argument, backed by recent evidence or studies and it is my gift to you.

Christmas without Christ
is just another
without the
of God!

Several powerful and reasoned arguments of evidence that support the case for intelligent design begins with the origin of biological complexity.

Fine-Tuning in Biological Systems

Studies continue to reveal a high degree of fine-tuning at multiple levels of biological organization, cited as supporting evidence for the involvement of intelligence in the origin of biological complexity. Evaluate time and opportunity with and without intellectual guidance.

  • Codon Optimization: A 2020 study published in Nature Communications discussed the optimal arrangement of codons (the nucleotide triplets that make up the genetic code) for minimizing the effects of mutations and translation errors. The study highlighted that natural processes alone seem unlikely to produce the high levels of redundancy and error-correcting features found in the standard genetic code. This optimization can be likened to engineered error correction methods, suggesting that the genetic code’s structure might reflect an intelligently guided process similar to human-designed systems.
  • Molecular Machines: Cellular machines such as ATP synthase, the ribosome, and flagellar motors exhibit a high level of structural and functional complexity. Recent cryo-electron microscopy studies (e.g., a 2021 study in Science) have further detailed these mechanisms at the atomic level, revealing intricate parts working together like human-engineered machines. Proponents of intelligent design formally argue that such systems exhibit irreducible complexity—meaning that removing one part would cause the whole system to fail—thus making the gradual, stepwise evolution posited by Neo-Darwinian theory unlikely.

Computational Impossibility Arguments and Information Theory

Research in information theory has bolstered the argument that purely unguided processes are insufficient to generate the kind of complex, specified information found in living organisms. An inference to the best explanation flows well from the following:

  • No Free Lunch Theorems: William Dembski and Robert Marks have expanded on the No Free Lunch (NFL) Theorems, arguing that evolutionary algorithms require pre-existing information to search through the astronomical number of possible biological forms. Their 2022 work builds on the concept of “active information,” suggesting that successful evolutionary searches depend on initial information that biases the search, implying an intelligent input in guiding these processes. Evolutionary algorithms that are genuinely blind fail to produce complex biological features without external direction—akin to a guided search function in computer science.
  • Conservation of Information: A 2022 study by Winston Ewert et al. in BIO-Complexity provided models showing that random mutational changes degrade functional biological information much faster than it can accumulate. This is seen as supporting the notion that preserving or increasing functional complexity would require an external guide. The paper also indicates that maintaining functional systems, such as the genetic code, demands more than random mutation and natural selection, as unguided mutations more often degrade rather than enhance function.

Evolutionary Computing and the Limits of Evolutionary Algorithms

One line of evidence comes from evolutionary computing, where attempts to simulate biological evolution through computer programs have often shown inherent limitations in the absence of intelligent inputs.

  • Evolutionary Algorithms & Functional Complexity: Evolutionary programs, such as Avida and Tierra, initially demonstrated successful adaptation. However, studies from 2020 onward have demonstrated that these algorithms do not tend to produce higher-order complexity without significant assistance. This highlights the limits of purely natural evolutionary processes to reach the level of complexity we observe in biological organisms. For instance, John Sanford’s work on genetic algorithms at Cornell University shows that simulating mutation-accumulation processes more often results in a net loss of genetic information over time, consistent with the notion that accumulating functional complexity may require intelligent inputs.

Irreducible Complexity and Molecular Biology

The argument for irreducible complexity, initially championed by Michael Behe, has been given new life by recent discoveries in molecular biology that showcase even deeper levels of intricacy in cellular systems which of course should be promoted as “intelligent sophistication”.

  • Complex Gene Regulatory Networks: Recent findings on gene regulatory networks have indicated that many cellular processes rely on highly interdependent components. A 2021 paper in Trends in Genetics discussed how small changes in these regulatory networks can cause catastrophic effects, making it difficult to explain their origin without invoking a form of intentional design. The dependencies between transcription factors, enhancers, promoters, and chromatin states are now seen as a “digital control system,” akin to a carefully designed circuit board.
  • Protein-Protein Interaction Networks: Recent work by Douglas Axe and Ann Gauger, published in BIO-Complexity (2022), involved lab experiments assessing the evolvability of new protein-protein interactions, which are critical to molecular machines. Their studies concluded that forming novel, functional protein-protein binding sites is statistically highly improbable under naturalistic evolutionary conditions, reinforcing the idea that such complexity might better be explained by intelligent intervention.

Cellular Information Processing and Engineering Analogies

Recent work has drawn parallels between cellular information processing and engineered systems.

  • Analogies to Human-Made Systems: In a 2023 study published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, researchers compared cellular signaling networks to computer networks. They found that the efficiency, redundancy, and adaptability of these biological systems mirrored traits of human-designed systems. Proponents argue that such engineering parallels point to an intelligent cause since the level of foresight and optimization seems difficult to attribute solely to blind evolutionary processes.
  • DNA as Digital Information: In a recent book, biophysicist Matti Leisola and engineer Marcos Eberlin argue that DNA functions like computer code, replete with error-correcting mechanisms, redundancy, and feedback control—all hallmarks of intelligent engineering. They argue that, just as computer code requires a programmer, DNA, in its depth of complexity, similarly implies an intelligent source.

Mathematical Models and Specified Complexity

  • Mathematical Models: Work done by Granville Sewell has expanded the mathematical arguments against the naturalistic generation of complex information. Sewell’s models suggest that the principle of entropy, applied to biological systems, makes it unlikely that complex structures arise spontaneously without an intelligent input, especially under constraints seen in real-world environments.
  • Specified Complexity and Probability Bounds: Douglas Axe, in his recent research (2021), applied probability theory to biological systems, arguing that the specificity required for certain proteins or cellular functions has such a low probability of occurring by random processes that invoking intelligence becomes the most parsimonious explanation. His work on “functional coherence” provides a metric for assessing whether biological systems display evidence of coordinated functionality that goes beyond what could naturally evolve.


The recent evidence and arguments presented above are used to “steel man” the hypothesis that intelligence could be the origin of biological complexity. Fine-tuning at various biological scales, the limits of evolutionary models and algorithms, the presence of irreducible complexity in molecular machines, and the engineering analogies between cellular processes and human-made systems all red ribboned and wrapped the idea of intelligent causation.

Although these arguments remain controversial, they are grounded in contemporary research and continue to challenge purely naturalistic explanations for the origin and development of biological complexity. Validating such claims require cross-disciplinary efforts in experimental biology, computational modeling, information theory, and engineering to rigorously test the bounds of naturalistic versus intelligent explanations for biological phenomena.

This curated list of references reveal a theme of “the role of intelligence” in the origin of biological complexity, along with links for further evaluation. The use of Wikipedia is meant to only provide as seed content for exploration and not meant to an endorsement.

  1. No Free Lunch Theorems for Optimization
    • Authors: David H. Wolpert and William G. Macready
    • Summary: This foundational paper introduces the No Free Lunch (NFL) theorems, establishing that no optimization algorithm outperforms others when performance is averaged across all possible problems.
    • Link to Paper
  2. No Free Lunch Theorems: Limitations and Perspectives of Metaheuristics
    • Authors: Carlos M. Fonseca, Luís Paquete, and Manuel López-Ibáñez
    • Summary: This chapter reviews the implications of NFL theorems on metaheuristic optimization, discussing their limitations and the necessity of problem-specific knowledge.
    • Link to Chapter
  3. Artificial Intelligence in Cryo-Electron Microscopy
    • Authors: Various
    • Summary: This article explores the integration of artificial intelligence with cryo-electron microscopy to understand complex protein structures, highlighting advancements in structural biology.
    • Link to Article
  4. Fine-Grained Alignment of Cryo-Electron Subtomograms Based on MPI
    • Authors: Various
    • Summary: This research focuses on improving the alignment of cryo-electron subtomograms, enhancing the resolution and accuracy of 3D reconstructions of macromolecular complexes.
    • Link to Article
  5. Searching for a Practical Evidence of the No Free Lunch Theorems
    • Authors: Various
    • Summary: This study investigates practical instances of the NFL theorems, providing insights into optimization algorithms’ performance across different problem landscapes.
    • Link to Paper
  6. Generalization of the No-Free-Lunch Theorem
    • Authors: Various
    • Summary: This paper extends the original NFL theorems, offering a broader perspective on their applicability to various optimization scenarios.
    • Link to Article
  7. Specified Complexity
    • Summary: This Wikipedia article provides an overview of the concept of specified complexity, discussing its role in arguments for intelligent design and the associated criticisms.
    • Link to Article
  8. No Free Lunch in Search and Optimization
    • Summary: This Wikipedia entry explains the No Free Lunch theorems in the context of search and optimization, detailing their implications for algorithm performance.
    • Link to Article
  9. David Wolpert
    • Summary: This Wikipedia page provides a biography of David H. Wolpert, one of the co-authors of the NFL theorems, outlining his contributions to mathematics, physics, and computer science.
    • Link to Biography
  10. Nicolas H. Thomä
    • Summary: This Wikipedia article details the research of Nicolas H. Thomä, focusing on the structure and function of macromolecular machines that control genome stability and gene expression.
    • Link to Biography
  11. Evolutionary Algorithm
    • Summary: This Wikipedia page discusses evolutionary algorithms, their theoretical background, including the No Free Lunch theorem, and their applications in optimization problems.
    • Link to Article

These references provide an initial starting point with various views in an effort to provide an initially comprehensive overview of the discussions surrounding the role of intelligence in biological complexity, offering various perspectives and critical analyses.

There are many gifts of God, and offered that you too may know His presence!

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