The Rainbow’s Journey

The moral decline of Western Christianity and a biblical response.

Symbols hold immense power in shaping cultural identities and conveying meaning. The rainbow, a symbol deeply rooted in the Bible as a sign of God’s covenant with humanity (Genesis 9:12-17) has now been taken, shrouded and maligned in modern times. Similarly, the word “pride” and the month of June have been hijacked.

The moral fabric of the Christian worldview especially related to Western Democracy seems to be unraveling. I recall the joy of the rainbow especially in the mountains of Colorado seeing a double or a triple rainbow on family adventures and we owned a representation of Noah’s ark based on the Veggie Tales TV Series that had a rainbow background that was prominently displayed in the home. We enjoy many birthdays in the month of June and in only a couple generations the meaning of the rainbow and the month of June have been deeply converted or rather perverted. Although we are not Catholic it is clear the Sacred Heart of Jesus has had a deep and continuing tremor. It is a sad reality, but we must not avert our eyes or our awareness from the truth and it is our hope that we can fashion a strong and loving Christian response to this societal delusion.

Western democracy has its foundation in Christian principles, which emphasize human dignity, equality, and the pursuit of the common good. Throughout history, Christian thought played a significant role in shaping these democratic ideals. The teachings of Jesus emphasized loving one’s neighbor as oneself (Matthew 22:39) and seeking justice for the marginalized (Luke 4:18-19).

There has been a noticeable departure from these values.

The evolution of the word “pride” is a critical aspect to consider. In its traditional sense, pride referred to a healthy self-esteem rooted in a proper understanding of one’s worth as a creation of God. Biblically the word pride is usually associated with a warning, as in (Psalm 10:4) and there is no positive declaration of the word “pride” anywhere in scripture. However, its contemporary connotation has shifted towards a false celebration of a false LGBTQ$+ community.

There is no such thing as a transgender human nor is there a transgender community. A community assumes a common good and there is confusion, disagreement and hatred across the letters of this faux community, and it is clear to any rational human being and it is seriously common sense that mutilating children and giving them hormone altering drugs to transform their natural development is not within the common good.

And for the sake of scientific clarity there is no such reality as a “transgender” human. Reassignment surgery and giving unproven drugs to anyone let alone children is no place for “pride. Rejecting biological truth or spiritual truth is no place for celebration.

The moral implications of this evolution or rather “devilution”, as we turn to the Bible for guidance warns against excessive pride and encourages humility as a virtue (Proverbs 16:18, Philippians 2:3-4). Pride, in the biblical context, refers to an inflated self-importance that hinders our relationship with God and others and there is no greater elevation of pride than to believe that what is fearfully and wonderfully made should be altered.

The changing social relationship of the symbol of the rainbow, the word “pride” and the meaning of the month of June has significant implications for society. The erosion of shared values and moral foundations lead to a fragmented community that prioritizes personal pride over the common good.

May we strive for a society where shared moral foundations and the pursuit of the common good restores the fabric of our society and our Republic and this begins by never diluting our faith nor compromising to the will of the delusional.

As Christians, our response to the topic of “Rainbow Pride in the month of June” especially directed towards children should be rooted in love, compassion, and biblical principles.

While it is a complex and sensitive issue, we can approach it with the following considerations:

  1. The Sanctity of Human Life: As believers, we affirm the inherent value and dignity of every human life, including children. We recognize that each child is fearfully and wonderfully made by God (Psalm 139:14) and deserves to be treated with respect and care.
  2. God’s Design for Gender: The Bible teaches that God created human beings as male and female (Genesis 1:27). It is important to approach discussions on gender identity with a biblical understanding of the binary nature of gender and the inherent purpose in God’s design.
  3. The Well-being and Best Interest of the Child: Our concern should be for the well-being and best interest of the child. It is essential to engage in dialogue with medical professionals, psychologists, and counselors who specialize in gender dysphoria to ensure that the child’s physical, emotional, and psychological needs are adequately addressed.
  4. Parental Responsibility: Parents have the primary responsibility for making decisions on behalf of their children’s welfare in alignment with biblical values.
  5. Discernment and Grace: Engaging in conversations on gender requires discernment and grace. We must be sensitive to the struggles faced by individuals deceived by gender dysphoria while still holding firm to our biblical convictions. Our response should reflect Christ’s love and extend grace to those who hold different perspectives.

It is important to seek knowledge and understanding on this topic.

  1. American Academy of Pediatrics: Gender Dysphoria in Children and Adolescents
  2. Christian Response to Gender Dysphoria

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