Probably one of the most asked questions any Theist gets is: “Why do you believe in God?” This would fall on Christians especially, because of their willingness to spread their beliefs and openly talk about their creator. It appears to be a great question, because of the reality it may reveal, including what we should be doing as our goal in life.
What Do the Laws of the Universe Tell Us?
The reality we observe today concedes to many rules that we like to call the “Laws of the Universe”. The laws of thermodynamics is one very famous set of rules that govern reality as we know it. The first law is stated simply as:
“The first law of thermodynamics is a version of the law of conservation of energy, adapted for thermodynamic processes. In general, the conservation law states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but can be neither created nor destroyed.”
With this first rule in mind, it’s easy to understand that the beginning of the universe was either: Not created by natural means, i.e. the universe did not start as nothing, became something, and then gradually grew in matter, OR the universe was created by a God, who was able to manipulate reality as He pleases. What if neither was correct? What if, there wasn’t a creator, but the universe wasn’t created as we may understand it currently. The only way we could possibly conceive the thought of the creation of the universe is to default to a miraculous event that doesn’t adhere to the laws of the universe. As soon as you admit that, you are now leaning to the side of the creator. Now, if you take a look at a rulebook of a board game, let’s say, you would immediately know subconsciously that a designer wrote the rules of the game to make it purposeful. It’s logically implausible for anything without a mind to dictate rules. If you were to postulate that material matter could imagine rules for how it works or how other things work, that would qualify as a mind that has the will to think, and that gives purpose to what it wills. Thusly, we have come back full circle to whether or not an intelligent mind created the universe or not.
Hypothetically by Material Means?

For those who propose that before the beginning of the universe, the laws of universe were not yet determined, until perhaps, a ginormous explosion or other materialistic phenomenon occurred, I warn that explanations similar to this only expose the advocate for this claim as ignorant, because of their assumption which is based on no evidence and only bias. When you throw logic and reason out the window in order to provide a case for your world view, there may be something very crooked about your world view. Okay, but then how is a creator reasonable at all? Isn’t it clear that we can’t even describe how He came to existence, or when His beginning was, or even HOW He created the entirety of the universe?
How Can We Even Comprehend Reality?
If the world has not come to existence through material means which we can observe and experiment with, how could the world have come to existence with unobservable and untestable attributes? First, we need to realize that the beginning or existence of the universe is not comprehendible by any one of us. And because of that, we must understand that the existence of the universe can only be constructed through a miraculous force (An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God). Second, the very definition and nature of God is described as the perfect being, having no beginning or end, and holding the power to design reality as he wishes, which is why it’s not unreasonable to say that our creator God, was the one who created our reality.
To conclude, the question shouldn’t be “Why do you believe in God?”, it should be “Which God do you believe in?”. Now we turn from the side of philosophy to the side of evidence, since we now understand that a creator is the only possible explanation for our reality. the first religion anyone would probably investigate would be some of the most popular religions of the world, such as the Christian religion, or perhaps the Muslim religion (I would have included the Common Descentist religion, as it is a popular belief held by many scientist’s who probably have more faith in their views than the majority of Christians. But as we discussed, an intelligent mind is the only explanation for every rule that governs this universe). Personally, out of the entire slew of religions, Christianity is the one that stands out the most, because unlike most religions, it is based on evidence. Evidence that was recorded not too long ago, not only by allies and some witnesses, but also by enemies. You may also look at the geological evidence for any religion, and realize that, in fact, a global flood did occur, and that there are many records about this event. You may look at the biological evidence, and observe that the Holy Bible has writings of God prohibiting marriage of near kin (Leviticus 18:6-18), revealing to man the dangerous behavior of family intermarriage before it went too far. The question really shouldn’t be “Why do you believe in God?”, it should be, “Which God do you believe in?”.